Monthly Round-Up: September 2020

Read the thing (5):

Maybe read the thing (2):

Added to TBR List:

QR: Remember My Name – Chase Potter

“We’re being civil to each other more or less, but what we used to have was so different.”

In a word: Read the thing.

The Summary: (from Goodreads) Every action can have devastating consequences. For Jackson Roanoke, the greatest consequence of his parents’ divorce was watching his mother drive away with his twin brother Ben, putting thousands of miles between them.

Eight years later and with college looming, Jackson is tasked with reroofing his father’s house. After a tempting offer of help from a young man, Jackson finds himself caught up in a growing attraction he’s hesitant to embrace. But when his brother Ben reappears at the front door, Jackson is confronted by more than he’s prepared for.

Brought together by circumstance, the estranged brothers are forced to navigate a relationship that persists only in their memories. Marked by the heat of a Midwest summer and rolling wheat fields, the short months are punctuated by scattered moments of closeness between the two brothers, hinting at the possibility of rekindling the connection they once shared.

[available for purchase at]

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